Saturday, February 24, 2007

eLearning & Learning Management

This is the first post to my new eLearning & Learning Management blog which is dedicated to a discussion of tools, vendors and events in the eLearning and Learning management field. This is linked to my website at and to the Technology Evaluation Center for Learning Management at

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know one tool for Lms its name is Lms-portalLMS-Portal works to implement & run the e-training/e-education/e-learning initiatives of an organization.The recent trend emphasizing corporate accountability has
also contributed to the popularity of e-Learning. With an
increasing concern regarding skills training, compliance
laws and business ethics, e-Learning provides a cost
effective solution to standardize training procedures across
an organization as well as an ability to drill down to train
specific skills sets for employees.
Lms software